Venue : MBA Auditorium, GMIT
Timing : 12pm to 1pm
The contestants will be part of an indulging quiz.
The contestants will be solving the given problem statements under a given time and optimal solutions will be sustained.
The teams should solve the particular problem statement and code it with thier blinds on and the optimal code will bag the title.
Venue : Windows Lab, GMIT
Timing : 2pm
The contestants will be assigned a particular product and they will have to market it to the panel to attract investment. They will be chosen based upon their approach and offer.
In this round, the contestants will have to shoot a promo vid or make an advertisement of their product. The contestants will be moving to the next round based on their idea and execution.
The contestants will have to sell their product to the audience in order to win this round.
Venue : IDT Lab, GMIT
Timing : 3pm